Z9 firmware update 3.01

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Z9 firmware update 3.01

Post by admin »

:arrow: https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/ ... w/473.html
Changes from “C” Firmware Version 3.00 to 3.01
• The MC-N10 remote grip can now be used for synchronized release on cameras connected via a ten-pin remote terminal.
• Improved focus tracking in focus mode AF-C when [Wide-area AF (S)], [Wide-area AF (L)], [Wide-area AF (C1)], or [Wide-area AF (C2)] is selected for [AF-area mode].
• Fixed the following issues:
- If an option other than [Subject detection off] was chosen for [AF subject detection options] with [Wide-area AF (S)], [Wide-area AF (L)], [Wide-area AF (C1)], or [Wide-area AF (C2)] selected for [AF-area mode], autofocus would sometimes fail when subjects were detected outside the focus point.
- If [AF-area mode], [AF-area mode + AF-ON], [Recall shooting functions], or [Recall shooting functions (hold)] was assigned to a control using Custom Setting f2 [Custom controls (shooting)] with [3D-tracking] selected for [AF-area mode] in the stored settings, the camera would sometimes fail either to focus or to track the desired subject when autofocus was initiated by pressing the chosen control in focus mode AF-C.
- When [AF-area mode], [AF-area mode + AF-ON], [Recall shooting functions], or [Recall shooting functions (hold)] was assigned to a control using Custom Setting f2 [Custom controls (shooting)], the camera would in rare cases stop responding if the chosen control was pressed immediately before or after shooting while [Pinpoint AF] or [Single-point AF] was selected for [AF-area mode].
- FTP errors would sometimes occur during connection to FTP servers.
- Upload to certain FTP servers would continue indefinitely with no pictures being uploaded.
- Once added to [MY MENU] or [RECENT SETTINGS], Custom setting d14 [Release timing indicator] could not be selected in either menu, nor removed from [MY MENU] using [Remove items].
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